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    Dura Composites is committed to helping ensure that you choose the most appropriate product for your specific project needs.

    Whilst the general guidance found here is applicable to a range of low-rise construction projects, additional measures may be required where high rise buildings are involved or where specialised work is undertaken. Please note that it is the responsibility of the client and contractor to ensure that your planned design is fully compliant with Building Regulations and complies with the latest fire safety guidance. For further information, please refer to the latest government documentation for your country location, and for complex or high-risk projects, please ensure that you consult a competent fire safety specialist.

    BS EN 13501-1:2018 – Fire classification of construction products and building elements:

    This European Standard (EN 13501) is common to all EU Member States and was published on 14th January 2019. It provides the reaction to fire classification procedure for all construction products, including products incorporated within building elements*. The process for classification under this standard involves a combination of up to five rigorous tests designed to assess the product on a range of characteristics, including combustibility, heat levels, flame spread and smoke release. Once tested, the product receives an official classification of its fire rating, known as a Euroclass rating. From best performing to worst performing, the Euroclass system is: A1, A2, B, C, D, E and F. It also provides additional classification (typically associated with reaction to fire classes D – B) for smoke production (from s1 (little or no smoke) to s3 (substantial smoke)) and flaming droplets/particles (from d0 (none) to d2 (quite a lot)).

    Unlike our composite timber Dura Cladding which has fire safety built into the product itself, untreated wood typically has a Euroclass rating of E or D. When fire treated under factory conditions, this rating can reach as high as B, but fire retardant treated wood is heavier than untreated wood, the treatment and drying process reduces its strength and structural properties. Furthermore, each species of wood and profile shape must be independently tested to achieve a fire classification and in many cases, once the wood is cut, the exposed edges can then be vulnerable to fire, so please bear this in mind if you’re debating between natural wood and composite timber Dura Cladding (Class B) for your project. If your project requires an A2 fire rating, you may also like to consider our flush fitting Dura Cladding Aluminium product and trims?

    Fire Safety | Dura Cladding Flush Resist:

    Our rigorous fire testing has been conducted in accordance with the correct BS EN 13501 test and installation method on the correct plane for maximum peace of mind, rather than being mounted on a calcium silicate backing board purely for the purpose of passing the fire test. Your Fire Safety Strategy should form an integral part of your project design and must be in place from the point at which a building project is identified and should continue though the ongoing asset management of the building.

    Dura Cladding Flush Resist has successfully achieved the classification of B-s1,d0 under the standard BS EN 13501-1:2018 – Fire classification of construction products and building elements. Customers can have confidence that Dura Cladding Flush Resist has been certified and tested by a UKAS accredited body, satisfying current fire legislation; with testing carried out in an environment to closely resemble that of an actual installation rather than being fixed to a fire rated barrier such as a calcium silicate backing board which is not then used as
    part of the build up.

    View our composite cladding

    Offshore Wind Farm