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    The UK’s Global Centre of Rail Excellence (GCRE) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with revolutionary train wash company, The Orange Train Wash, of which Dura Composites is the manufacturing partner.

    Dura Composites and The Orange Train Wash joined forces in June 2022.

    The Orange Train wash is a new product that cleans trains using a unique method that is significantly cheaper than a traditional train wash, and which also offers huge operational and environmental benefits. Unlike a regular, static, train wash, Orange Train Wash is designed to be installed on each road of a sidings, and only requires a three metre by one metre footprint on either side of the train. The solution cleans a train at speeds of up to five miles per hour, meaning trains can be cleaned in situ, eliminating the time and work involved in taking a train to a location with a train wash facility. It does not require any drainage because almost all of the water is recycled and reused.

    Dura Composites supports the Orange Train Wash in its mission to provide the industry with a sustainable and cost-effective way of cleaning trains and has partnered with the company to provide a sustainable substructure and walkway system for the washing solution, as well as funding and assembly operations which will allow The Orange Train Wash to demonstrate its value to train operating companies around the world.

    The Orange Train wash can be available as both a temporary or permanent solution. With a four day setup and one day removal the system can be installed in a temporary position and moved to a new permanent location when the site permits.

    MOU between The Orange Train Wash and GCRE will drive innovation in the sector.

    The new MOU between the Orange Train Wash and the GCRE will enable the two organisations to collaborate and proactively promote the environmental and commercial benefits of the train washing system developed by The Orange Train Wash. It will be based at GCRE in South Wales.

    The GCRE, which was first established by the Welsh Government as a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) in 2021, is planning to build a world class rail testing centre. It will aim to fast track improved services for passengers and freight operators, deliver significant efficiencies for the rail industry and the delivery of major projects, and be a key asset in achieving decarbonisation and sustainability targets, among other objectives.

    The system from The Orange Train Wash maintains water temperature at 20 degrees before heating it back to 85 degrees for the next approaching train. This means that unlike with conventional train washes, winter conditions won’t disrupt train washing programmes. Featuring easy to use reporting software, the system also provides accurate reports of carbon and water savings.

    Read more about The Orange Train Wash.